Back by popular demand! Haha I always wanted to say that and due to recent requests from friends and followers I am finally taking my time write this ...
20 Jun 2013 | Likes: 64 | Comments: 2
I have set ten goals to achieve this year. This is an exercise I began last year on my holiday to Odessa, Ukraine. I was reading Brian Tracy’s book ...
14 Mar 2013 | Likes: 30 | Comments: 1
Inspired by a YouTube video and the book by Dick Tracy “Goals” I wrote my goals for 2013 in honor to my dad Paul Smith who have been fighting canc...
20 Jan 2013 | Likes: 44 | Comments: 1
When you tell people that you are a poker pro many tend to doubt you. I have in this blog post come to the conclusion that certain aspects of life is ...
8 Jan 2013 | Likes: 10 | Comments: 0
I have been going back and forth the past two months about what to do in my career. I finally decided to follow my dreams literally speaking. There is...
3 Nov 2012 | Likes: 33 | Comments: 0
iPoker has with its recent network split significantly changed how player liquidity is valued. The drastic decision to split the network in two has ra...
6 Oct 2012 | Likes: 8 | Comments: 2
In the light of recent events on iPoker I have decided to write a blog to clear my head and discuss my future in online poker. Pardon any spelling and...
9 Sep 2012 | Likes: 9 | Comments: 0
When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breath then you will be successful. Most of you say you want to be successful but you don't want it bad...
23 Jul 2012 | Likes: 34 | Comments: 12
June was an eventful month. It started out in Twin Peaks which was incredible, followed by eating amazing food in Seattle, then Copenhagen and ended i...
12 Jul 2012 | Likes: 23 | Comments: 0
I rarely tell bad beat stories but here is one from Denmark. A few weeks ago TDC (my ISP) cut ALL wires on my building incl. my internet cable. After ...
12 Jun 2012 | Likes: 20 | Comments: 1
For me the toughest part about being a poker player is handling the variance which can turn into mood swings. When you are winning you feel like a her...
26 May 2012 | Likes: 13 | Comments: 7
It is crucial to find inner motivation to become successful in life. My theory is that players who are solely motivated by external factors won’t la...
11 May 2012 | Likes: 28 | Comments: 0
This is the second part of the blog "Motivation & Goals". Read first part Motivation & Goals part 16MAX & FULL RING POKER...
11 May 2012 | Likes: 3 | Comments: 0
April was a very tough month for me poker wise. No matter what I did I kept losing and the losing streak lasted 22 days. I was down almost $7000 at so...
3 May 2012 | Likes: 31 | Comments: 0
March has been a very interesting month for me. Not only did I spend the majority of my time in Australia it was also the month where I made the bigge...
1 Apr 2012 | Likes: 40 | Comments: 4
One of the greatest perks in my job is that the entire world is my office. I get to travel whenever I want. I went to Australia about a month ago and ...
11 Mar 2012 | Likes: 10 | Comments: 8
In December I made the decision to visit Chris an old mate in Brisbane, Australia. Chris and I used to work together in Malta where we both lived for ...
1 Mar 2012 | Likes: 3 | Comments: 0
They say it's lonely at the top, in whatever you doYou always gotta watch motherfuckers around youNobody is invincible, no plan is foolproofWe all mus...
19 Feb 2012 | Likes: 15 | Comments: 5
About a 1,5 years ago I was hanging out at the W hotel in Hollywood with Keith Gipson, Lacey Jones, Dan Fleyshman & Victoria Moore to name a few. ...
7 Feb 2012 | Likes: 9 | Comments: 5
The laws in Denmark have changed for online poker players. The legislation we have been waiting for since November 2003 is in effect. From the first o...
16 Jan 2012 | Likes: 39 | Comments: 10
Tuesday evening I was told to stop by the police. Yes you heard me right! An uniformed officer asked me if I had been drinking? You might be thinking ...
8 Dec 2011 | Likes: 19 | Comments: 9
This month has been dramatic on the poker front. I have switched from playing Omaha (PLO) to No Limit Hold’em (NLHE) for several reasons that I will...
1 Dec 2011 | Likes: 17 | Comments: 2
I am feeling sad because today my sister’s best friend passed away. I admired her courage and she was an inspiration to my last blog Fighting Cancer...
18 Nov 2011 | Likes: 73 | Comments: 1
This blog is written & recorded hangover in my bed. It hope I don't come accross as grumpy or hateful. It is just an attempt to be funny mixed wit...
6 Nov 2011 | Likes: 18 | Comments: 4
In my blog “I got skills – part I” I never got time to explain what skills I got and how they are useful as a poker player. In this blog I will ...
3 Nov 2011 | Likes: 17 | Comments: 0
Four days ago I woke up from a funny dream. I dream a lot in my sleep and remember them when I wake up. I often try to analyse my own dreams before I ...
27 Oct 2011 | Likes: 21 | Comments: 7
The Jante Law rules Denmark. In a nut shell it tells you “Don’t believe you are anything”. The Jante Law negatively portrays and criticises indi...
24 Oct 2011 | Likes: 18 | Comments: 4
There is a well-known saying: "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" hence the silence since I got back. I have however decided to post some random pi...
18 Oct 2011 | Likes: 30 | Comments: 2
Everytime I am in Vegas I am reminded of cancer and going through an emotional rollercoaster ride. This time around I handled myself well, had fun and...
3 Oct 2011 | Likes: 100 | Comments: 2
The closets I have been to true love the past 15 years is the love I feel for my favourite TV show “The Sopranos”. Corrado “Junior” Soprano de...
27 Sep 2011 | Likes: 15 | Comments: 0
I changed my original plan and decided to play day 1a yesterday. I had found out you could buy-in again on Day 1b if you got knocked out on Day 1a. Fu...
21 Sep 2011 | Likes: 72 | Comments: 0
After packing my bags and leaving my apartment 4am I was on my way to Malta for the third time this year. As I was walking towards Copenhagen’s cent...
19 Sep 2011 | Likes: 27 | Comments: 5
Today is the first day in a new era of my life. I have been working in the online gambling industry since I was 20 years old. At the age of 21 I bough...
16 Sep 2011 | Likes: 0 | Comments: 0
This is me testing the facebook comments settings./Erik...
13 Sep 2011 | Likes: 4 | Comments: 4